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  • Writer's pictureR. Rene' Woodard

Motherland Love...

I’ve been trying to find the words to describe the feelings, emotions and experiences tied to what was offered to me the moment I first touched you. From the pre-departure preparation and the occasion overall, I knew the experience with you would be FULL. Full of love, Full of Friendship, Full of Culture and History and honestly Full of the resilient determination tied to my ancestors. This was the beginning of me realizing in real-time that I (we) truly am our ancestors’ wildest dreams. Our ability to come and go as we please, to travel lands of the unknown as well as the ability to reach back and pull forward with ease I know in my heart these were the moments of freedom that they once prayed for. Thank you for reminding of this.

Today, as I reflect on the FULLNESS of these #Africanadventures and the ability to #traveldeeper with people I love dearly, I would have to coin this one of the most rewarding trips in my portfolio. It was rewarding because I took it all in, I surrendered each day despite our schedules, I leaned into being present and I took mini notes in my phone throughout the day so that I could be reminded of each special moment for years to come. So, to those friends who thought I was just on my phone, I was writing it’s kind of my thing, my personal thing if ya will. From the motherland drip and life of luxury at the Sofitel and Assinie beach resort in Ivory Coast to the bumpy roads of Accra and amazing Ghanaian night dancing, the 3.5-hour road trip to Cape Coast to stand on the grounds where the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade took place, to having morning devotion on the waters with tears in my eyes as I watch the youth ring and wash there clothing in preparation for the day …. I remain FULL of gratitude for the feelings, for the emotions and for the experiences. The legacy of the likes of W.E.B Dubois and Former Ghana Prime minister Kwame Nkrumah started a movement on the inside of me that placed a fire in my bones to decide the fate of even my own legacy and what that will look like when I am long gone. For it all Mother Africa, the continent, the queen of bridging gaps and Love GIVER I say Thank you! Thank you for the lessons, thank you for the love and Thank you for showing me the opportunities and the work that still exists to be done to ensure that this freedom continues to flow across the globe for the children I met and the children’s children of all to whom I am connected to in the supernatural. To the CEO and Queen Bee of Travel Deeper from curating this experience I say Thank you!!

To all of you reading today, I encourage you to Travel Deep…. Travel Deep within as you begin to look at your future and the life you want to live. As you raise and lift your children in all their uniqueness, as you work in your perspective industries for a cause remember your personal cause. Who are you doing it for? What are you leaving behind? and be mindful that as often as you complain that you lead with love and gratitude 100x more. Pick and choose your battles today. Find Joy in the little thing s. We are a blessed kinship. We have an access and resources that many could only imagine. Consider this the charge on behalf of Mother Africa that you did not even know you needed!

I love you all with my whole heart! I’m back and it’s only going to get better from here!

Partner with me, Stand Up, find your voice and Create the life you want. Promises are loading!

With Gratitude,

R. Rene’

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