Greetings Good People!!
Time really does fly when you are having fun and when you are NOT. I know it’s been a month since we last gathered in this virtual space, just know I’m still here. If I owe you a call it’s coming, if I was late responding to your text, please forgive me …Settling into a new year often requires sacrifice and, in some instances, it calls for silence. Not in an isolated type of way but in a way where those serious goals and life- changing moments alter your ability to be present physically. Q1 has been SOOO full but with everything it has entailed I am super grateful I get to do LIFE like this. I thank you ALL for rocking with me the past 17 years. My blogs were birthed during a season of recovery after a surgery in 2007 and with each post I am reminded that RECOVERY is possible in all areas of our lives even if you have yet to see it. I don’t know who needed that piece (PEACE), but Recovery is really yours!!
Now for a Saturday entry worth reading …….
Life has had its way.
It has showed both up and out.
From the birth of children and pregnancy announcements to the death of loved ones and close friends Life just has. Life has been joy, life has been sorrow , life has been tears and life has been facing some fears, Life has been full of major wins too…. Like the kind that require press release BIG, Life has been the most ever-revealing journey for me in 2024 and to think I (WE) are just getting started. It all leaves my heart full and free!! How is life for you? What has life taught you this first quarter of 2024?
Share, drop your word of year in the blog comments , email me , text me I’d love to know!
Alexa, Play common “The Light” …. I never knew a luh , luh-luh, a love like this gotta be something for me to write this Queen , I ain’t seen you in a minute, wrote this letter, and finally decide to send it …….
Love is ……
Like waking up is LOVE. I realized this recently and my gratitude for LOVE has increased immensely. People say when you have kids you feel a different sense of love or when you get married you feel like you have arrived at love, but there are levels of love that we need not compare. I would submit that LOVE often meets you where you are and if you are present with yourself, you can see LOVE in all of its forms. Love is within you and when you finally have the lightbulb moment of life, LOVE arrives. God is love yes and because we are a byproduct of his “let there be” we are also LOVE. I have been experiencing LOVE in all of its forms for a few years now but something about 2024 took it to another level and I must say LOVE covers all things and the small doses of love be it the time spent with friends , doing the things that bring me JOY or being able to experience FREEDOM continue to fill my new cup even on the darkest of days. My life is busy and as you have heard from other leaders, leadership gets lonely but with LOVE I am never alone. Let this L remind you of LOVE today also, the love that was , the love that is and the LOVE that is to come!!! It’s a wonderful place to be. 😊
Legacy ……
Death has a way of making you run ahead and think about your own experiences and quite frankly your expected end. It forces you to start thinking about the next, caretakers, insurances , wills and just as important it forces you to start to think about what you have done and what you will leave behind. What if I told you that your LEGACY was already in progress that it really starts with the living and not with the dead. Many often only talk Legacy when a person has transitioned but what about the journey and efforts one puts into their Legacy bank daily. Bigger than what you do, Larger than what you are called and all about who YOU are and what you stand for. As you start to look at your life, ask yourself what type of legacy am I building? For yourself and for the people you love. Have you taken the time to create the LIFE you want to LIVE so that when its said and done you can say you have LIVED?
Take a moment …. Think about it …. and when you answer those questions accompanied by no right or wrong answer, I dare you to start building it.
I found myself these past few weeks digging into my own legacy, where I came from , who I am connected to , the history of my name and what I desire for it to look like later. It was easy for me …… because I no longer have a desire to build my legacy on things, I tend to do it by just being. Me and all my besties have been having money talks lately, everything from investment opportunities, Roth IRA’s to becoming art dealers as elders and more and it’s so funny because one of them shared how wealthy people hold different conversations, and here we are having different conversations because we want to create something different and I am inclined to believe that you do as well!
Build it while you LIVE it, I promise it will be the thing that sets your journey apart along the way. You have everything you need. (I have been saying this since 2007 and I won’t stop saying it , until you believe it. It’s in your hands.
Your Life …
Your Love….
And Your Legacy ….
With Love the Road Warrior,
RR xoxo
PS. Start leaving me comments right on the website on the blog , it's a safe space I promise! (( wink))