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Heart to Heart .....

Good People ….... Can we Talk for a minute?

I know it's Wednesday , Monday came and went and it's been crazy busy ..... but I love you so here we are....

I saw a post that said, “When GOD called you to be and/or do a thing he called you, it was NOT a conference call” and while it made me chuckle there was actually a lot of truth in that. Many times people are in search of others to simply “get it” …Get why they are moving the way they are, get why they made a decision that was best for them and/or the future of their family and to just GET their “WHY” and it just does not work like that. This was something that I had to resolve in my personal time long ago. I would find myself furious when I was sharing my truth, or my heart moves and the person on the other end of the phone or sitting in front of me would have no reaction. Like literally nothing beyond an “Oh Ok” or mute expression. I could not for the life of me understand why they did not appear as excited as me. It kept happening over and over again and that’s when it hit me. IT was not for US, IT was for ME. Sometimes GOD will give you a vision, charge or task that is not for your people (Those you choose) even though it will eventually be impactful for the world beyond you. (People you may never meet)

Please don’t allow the lack of understanding, or the inability for people to see the promise and plans of GOD to discourage you from doing what excites you and what you know in your heart of hearts that you have been called to do. People won’t always get it….and as you EVOLVE you will realize that your success and plans to prosper will never be attached to someone’s approval of your journey. I want to encourage a reader today at the crossroads or intersection of choosing between walking the more frequent path and the unconventional route to simply CHOOSE the road less traveled no matter what. You may not even fully be able to explain the sudden urge for change or the sudden preparation for the unknown, but you know a NEW thing is happening and it is not how you would ordinarily move …Friends may become few, Family may try to stop you but hear me clearly do not be influenced by the thoughts of others. For some reason, I feel the need to dig deeper on that. The reality is that many people cannot see past their own level of fear and concern to even understand your actions. You can’t talk to a person who is scared to MOVE to a new city/place about your plans of MOVING to a new city because it’s not something they will ever do, and they can’t comprehend how you can!? Same with money, you can’t talk to a person about something that’s going to cost you money if they don’t have the capacity to comprehend the action of spending money in that matter. The list goes on… That’s why so many children grow up and become doctors, lawyers, police officers, teachers and all the things their parents and caretakers wanted them to be because they could not comprehend the thoughts of one making money as a creative, business owner, dancer, etc. and they lead from a place of fear and lack of knowledge. They couldn’t see that far and the same goes today for some of the people in your camp. It does not mean that they love you any less or vice versa it just means that they won’t always understand what’s best.

The journey you are on will disappoint some people and that’s OK. Choose YOU Anyway…. I promise it will be the best decision you will ever make. Had I listened; I would still be in Nashville unhappy with non-executed gifts settling for JUST GOOD (it grew me) for the sake of playing SAFE when I knew it was time to go! Don’t Settle for living your life according to another person’s FEAR of your decision to LIVE.

I know this is an unpopular entry and subject for my people pleasers, but somebody needed this reminder today!! I’ll stop here and let you all process. Understand that you are doing AWESOME and WHAT you desire is POSSIBLE. A promise is a PROMISE and rather now or later everything you are up against will make sense very soon!

Love ya,

RR - xoxo

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