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  • Writer's pictureR. Rene' Woodard

Fall Back or Fall Forward!

Fall Back ……

The irony of the season …. Fall is here!

The weather shifts have begun in both the Northern Region as well as the Midwest ….

Leaves are falling, Attitudes are adjusting …

The Clock has fallen back an hour and the SUN has followed……

As I sat and thought about the current season during my morning transit, I found myself filled with emotion. I started to think about the way life has served me and the way I have served it over the past few weeks leading up to this point and again a different EMOTION came into play. I was proud, happy, and delighted to have experienced life in a variety of places with some amazing people and surviving a variety of unexpected blows, but I must admit FALL is a beautiful mix between spring and winter, but it is always so FULL of change and transition. In a past life and even on the job from time to time I’d like to believe I am your resident champion of change but the older I get it becomes harder to accept all change and quite frankly harder to do when you have become so nestled and comfortable in what you call normal.

But just what if your current NORMAL is no longer the normal required for this season of your life.

What if you must make a change to see a change in the areas that trip you up most?

What if this is the only way to shift how you view change and transition overall?

Are you willing to do it? To Fall Back to Fall Forward?

Change does not always feel good at onset but once it settled it is GOOD.

As you prepare for a long weekend with Veteran’s Day observance, I urge you to consider reframing your thoughts as you navigate change in this season. When you get married, they give you something old, something new and something blue all to signal the transition that comes with jumping the broom.

Seasons like this are no different. (Name your season)

You got something old…. (experience/memory)

You got something new …. (season/desire/ opportunity/advancement)

You got something blue …. (Catalyst to help with the change between the two)

You are well equipped to handle what is in front of you!!

Just like the beauty you find in the changing colors of the leaves, find beauty in the changing seasons that may cause people in your life to leave or change as well. Just like the smile you felt gaining that extra hour of sleep or time to prepare for the day; Keep that smile and joy at the early sundown at the close of the day as well.

See what I discovered this week is that Fall represents CHANGE, but it also represents the season of THANKSGIVING and HARVEST and if we adopt new perspectives regarding each season, we encounter starting now then the HARVEST won’t HURT.

Remember in your dealings no matter how much things seem to change that you have the power to REFRAME. Keep a heart of thanksgiving at the center, confidence, and acceptance at the core to embrace each season for its own newness no matter how uncomfortable the transition to the New normal may feel!!

Love you all with my whole-heart!

You will be OK 😊

The Coaches Coach,

R. Rene’

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