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  • Writer's pictureR. Rene' Woodard


Greetings Peeps!!

Fall is just about here, Football is in session and I am Focused man!

Let's get to this mid-week motivation!

I remember the days I tried to force things to happen. When doors would close, I would do my best to make them open. I called my attempts determination and sometimes I referred to it as persistence. When I was sometimes defeated I would feel like a failure because I tried so hard, I did everything possible and there is no way that this door should still be closed. If you have ever had to physically force a door open you know that you may have to place a stopper or other objects near it for it to remain open but once those objects and distractions are removed the door abruptly closes again. You then find yourself attempting to force the door open over and over again in order for it to stay open. No matter what side of the door you are on it is not easily opening and closing. It sticks, It is tough and if you are not careful you can get locked in or out permanently. Some of you may not get this at first read but I am sure there is at least 1 person that can relate to the closed door syndrome. I want to let you all know this morning that there is no closed door worth forcing open unless it is in the PROCESS of being repaired. See a door that gets stuck, that needs additional pushing or excessive force used in order to OPEN must be broken in some way, shape or form because doors are made to open and close that’s why it’s called a door. A door can be described as a revolving barrier at the entrance to a building, room, or vehicle, etc. I like that the dictionary refers to a door as a revolving barrier. It shows its ability to both open and close continuously. That alone should tell you that a door that appears broken or permanently shut must be replaced because it is not doing what it was designed to do. While pondering on many closed doors on my life journey I could not help but repent and also forgive myself for feeling like a failure when in essence it was the doors that had loss their functionality. How do I look punishing myself because something outside of me is not functioning properly!? Think about it. See had many of those closed doors been forced open I could have eventually become stuck in a place or situation that would keep me from my purpose. Who wants to willingly miss an opportunity to walk through a door with 100% of its functionality, where you can leave and come back with ease, flexibility and freedom?? I know I don’t want to miss out on that and neither should you! It’s time to go open and knock on doors that work and if the door is in the process of repair and you want to WAIT until it’s repaired be sure to TEST it out. If the repairs do NOT work, reduce the FORCE and FAITH your way towards a NEW DOOR! Faith can open doors permanently while Force will only hold doors temporarily.

I spent months and in some cases years crying, fussing and forcing attempting to PUSH a broken door open. When I let it all go, put my FAITH in place of the FORCE all the desired doors opened in m y life if it were intended for me. The hardest pill to swallow is the fact that even some OPEN doors are NOT for you. I know people who will walk in every open door and call it “Trying”, I personally call that a “Waste of Time” if you know it is NOT yours! I could spend hours on the power of open and closed doors but I’ll refrain for the sake of time and simply say don’t force it!

I want to encourage each of you the remainder of the week to change the way you look at the closed doors in your life, forgive yourself if like me you felt like you LOSS something at one time or another because the door was shut. I guarantee you whatever was closed beyond your attempts to FORCE will be restored with FAITH and TIME when you least expect it! Trust the process and pray for the right door not just any door!

To be continued……

Love you all wholeheartedly,

R. Rene’

Make today great on Purpose, it’s your only option!

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