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  • Writer's pictureR. Rene' Woodard

Life Share: Moments in TIME!

Hey Peeps! OK I have a few things to say and I am going to try and get it all out quickly.

Per usual life is moving fast...faster than some days even I anticipate and I am realizing through each move that TIME waits for no man , like seriously that statement is true. When we were young we had all the time in the world , seemed like school would never end, church was always extra long and weekends were soo far forward to adult life and you see the days running by ..its Monday and by the time you get home from work it's Tuesday not to mention your weekend was only like 1 day, what's up with that right?! Well joining in on the life sprint the past few days I have noticed that same rapid movement in my life and would like to share some key things I learned in the midst of the adventure....let's get to it!

Friday 7/18- I took flight to Dallas, my plane change was in Columbus, Ohio and I was scheduled to have a 2 hr layover until my next flight.. Well Columbus being home of the buckeyes you would think that ME the MICHIGANDER would want to run as far away from that place as possible ( If you know football then you know why, lol #OHvsMI) but that was not the case for me. I was excited about the 2 hr delay , why? you might ask.....because I would have the opportunity to spend time with a friend I had not seen in over a year. Due to the creative set-up at the Columbus airport I was able to have dinner with my friend in between my flight with ease. We caught up, We laughed and laughed some more. My delay now became one of the best experiences ever on purpose!

Life Share #1: Be productive during LIFE delays! - Most of us view delays as time stoppers and blockers, we complain and murmur over what or how such delay has effected our abilities to move , grow , or engage in some capacity but it does NOT have to be that way! Sometimes DELAYS position you to be your most productive in preparation for what's to come after the delay is over! Stay productive and be creative with that downtime when given!

Saturday 7/19- Spending the day participating in one of my best friend's baby shower with her and her husband and the family was totally awesome. 2 years ago I stood beside her as she said " I do" to the man who had come in and wiped all of her past relationship tears away. He was different from anyone she had ever dated, he came packaged quite differently then she shared in her " when I get married speech" and very far from the Ken and Barbie dream we all set ourselves up to have...If you didn't notice Barbie kind of ran the show...everything was in her name and Ken was sometimes looked at as just yet another accessory...I did not pay this any attention until I got older and that can sometimes send a subliminal message to little girls and boys....these same girls become bossy, slightly arrogant, professional , sweet on a conditional basis and are least likely to submit because I mean again Barbie always drove why can't I? I said this all to say I witnessed my once BARBIE like BFF in the most genuine capacity ever as a mother to be , a wife to her husband and it was refreshing as ever as always!

Life Share #2: GOD does NOT always give you what you WANT but he will surely give you what you NEED! This is not just for the ladies, fellas you are included. In all things rest assure that the packaging of what you are waiting for may NOT always be 36 24 28, it may not always have six zeros behind it but he will surely bless you with what you need! So be grateful that he did not give you even what you THOUGHT you wanted! Some of you all may skip right over this part thinking its not about you but it is! - I digress!

" I want my wanter to line up with my needer ( GOD) so I will always need what I want- Seon Thompson via Tony O- Flint, MI" ( Let that sit at your table for a minute, lol)

Monday 7/21- I went on a quick day trip to Chicago for one of the biggest meetings I have had in quite some time now. It all happened fast. I received a call last Thursday saying can you be in Chicago this Monday. One part of me is thinking NO, I will still be in Texas but there was something in me that said YES before the realistic me could relay the other message. The caller stated I'll send you an itinerary momentarily and in minutes there it sat in my inbox. Racing to modify my current travel plans to get me back home in time to catch flight I did with success and the levels of anxiety began to arise. So much travel, so little days and am I prepared. ( Stay ready and you don't have to get ready, ran through my mind) and immediately I told myself YOU ARE READY. Throughout my quick prep to take flight I was continuously reminded of my worth....when I looked in the mirror I saw my VALUE. It was not the suit, the pearls, the flowing curls that gave me the VALUE but it was the heart on the inside and the passion that lies underneath the surface that assured me that me BEING me was more than enough for this meeting! I was able to spend a brief 3 hours in Chicago catch some sun, eat some sushi and do some shopping at Nordstrom on Mag Mile ( I couldn't resist) but the best thing about the entire experience is the way I felt while doing so....IT was happening fast, there was no time to think or turn back but I understood that something HUGE was happening for me on the inside.

LIFE SHARE #3: Nothing can stop you from experiencing the life you want for you but YOU! you have to understand your own true VALUE in all things! If they took all the material things away I would still be pleased with who I am today...Would you say the same? I said only a few words to one of the taxi drivers, when he came to open my door ( yes, a taxi driver opened my door) he said I like your energy and I pray you have a good meeting!

I know you all get tired of me saying it but I cannot help myself " IT PAYS TO BE NICE TO PEOPLE"!

I pray that each LIFE SHARE today will encourage,help, or touch someone in a way that can prove life changing as you run this constant non-stop life race. I must say as fast as things are happening I am enjoying every bit of the ride. Learn to be THANKFUL for the little things FAITHFUL to everything and GRATEFUL over all things as you move forward!

Til Next Time!

Love y'all~

Keep Evolving in 3VOL ( LOVE) that is!

R. Rene'

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