What’s up Family!!!
Happy Tuesday!
I hope this week’s message finds you well!
That’s today’s word , simply BE OPEN.
Alexa, Play a wonderful CHANGE by Tramaine Hawkins!!!
CHANGE has been sitting at the forefront of topics this week!
Change in habits and regimens…
Changes at work and in homes ….
relationship and marital statuses …
Season changes ( BTW, we are days away from Summer 2024)…
Change is really inevitable.
As children and parents grow older , and as we age individually, we start to notice all the things that have changed around us. Sometimes the reality of these changes hit us all at once and we become overwhelmed with how different life appears. You can’t run from it ; you can’t escape it really does just happen. You wake up and things are different.
Today was one of those days for me. A day where all of the changes that have taken place in the past 12 months sat on my nightstand looking at me when I woke up , in my mind at least.
As a Champion of Change by day in the healthcare space , Change is not routinely hard for me.I am accepting , I am understanding, and I am open to it ….
But it still brings about emotions or sentiments that I don’t always leave room for.
Today I left room for everything tied to the CHANGE I am sitting in and even in its indifference it felt like freedom, and it felt necessary. I looked change in the face and embraced it for myself in all of its fullness.
Sometimes change looks like having a more forgiving heart and other times it looks like loving yourself in places you once despised. Change looks like replacing your black shirts with summer colors and re-arranging your living room to fit your new personal aesthetic….change can also be a haircut you have never had or a nail color you finally chose. Change can also look like losing a loved one , starting a new job, moving to a new state, or moving from socialite to isolation or the reverse. CHANGE legit can show up at any time on your journey. The question today remains …. Will you be open to it?
Will you allow the changes that take place to take you, or will you take it and do the best you can with what it brings? As you consider these things this evening , I urge you to grab a journal or sheet of paper and write down three things that have changed in your life 2024 on one side and thing three things that you desire to change on the other side. Once you have done this , reflect on how the change that has already taken place affected you and the work you have to do or should do to prepare for the CHANGE you are still awaiting to see. If they are non -related , I would ask you to sit with the three things you want to see change and take ownership of the pieces of that change you own. Once you are done , breathe deep and make a commitment to yourself to becoming more open to change especially the change aligned with you being better!!
Don’t run from any situation that comes your way that requires CHANGE. Sometimes the change you need is wrapped up in NEW, but you will never be able to experience it until you grieve the familiar!
Change is on the way!
Be Good to yourself!
I’m rooting for everybody reading!
Love, R. Rene’ xoxo