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  • Writer's pictureR. Rene' Woodard

Why not YOU?

Updated: May 7

What’s up family!!! New Month ( My Birthday Month) , New Everything! That’s how I feel , like GOD is really making all things NEW in a world full of uncertainty.

For the past few months, I have been sharing the rollercoaster of life , like I got HIT Hard since like January and for a minute it was like a cloud of despair was covering all the people I love. Season of mourning and then spring hit and the mourning continued but somewhere in that stretch and bloom we all found JOY in being together , connecting the dots of love , family, and kindred spirits….and though good things were happening it was hard to be happy about it. On a recent  much needed “holiday” (vacation) to Barbados , I found myself having some major beach reflection time and all I heard was “ Why NOT YOU?”  Initially I did not get it …. but with every step I’ve made since the moment I returned home it’s on mental repeat as I move towards a variety of new life seasons and happenings!

As I continue to reflect, I realize that  many times we will work overtime to convince ourselves that we are not qualified or extremely undeserving when GOOD and EXCITING things are taking place around us. I find it quite interesting considering we rarely take the time to push back in the same manner when not so good things are happening in our midst. It tends to be a bit more acceptable when you get the sad news but if I can be honest that’s the thing of which we are NOT deserving. Yes, things will happen, and no part of the journey is perfect, but we don’t have to subscribe to those pieces of LIFE for the long haul. After many years of healing mentally and spiritually I came to grips with ABUNDANCE being my portion and all the amazing things available to me and the same is available to YOU. In this new season there is NOTHING I (YOU,WE) WANT or desire TOO BIG for us to obtain! Like there’s some major things available to each of us when we shift our perspectives and start leaning into all that we do deserve and all that we are determined to gain or achieve.

I am not sure why my intro went there but let that be the first reminder to you this first blog entry of MAY 2024. WHAT YOU WANT WANTS YOU and YOU CAN HAVE IT!!! If that was for you , like holla at me offline because I promise I was going somewhere vastly different today , but since we are here, it’s meant to be today’s share. ….. Life has a way of reminding you that all is NOT lost and that YOU have what it takes to do a thing even if it looks BIGGER than YOU!!  We are well versed in handling BIG things .  Take a moment and think about the last BIG thing you did , think about where you were , how you got there and where that strength came from …. You got it in your mind? Now pull from some of that if I did it before I can do it again energy and get what YOU WANT.

I was sharing with a friend recently a few things that I know to be true, and I pray that this will be helpful to YOU as you lean into MAY 2024.

·       God loves you just as you are ….

·       Timing is Everything …

·       Not everything is on GOD , some things are ON YOU….

·       Change often does more good than BAD….

·       Your mind drives more decisions than your bank account …. ( let’s argue)

·      Stop burning yourself out trying to accomplish the same things in the same twenty-four as a person/celebrity thing with more Hands and resources than you. DO WHAT YOU CAN WITH WHAT YOU HAVE and watch what happens ….  We don’t all have the same twenty-four and definitely not in Beyonce’s world.

Last but not least….

·       Don’t settle for the ceiling that appears when Doubt, Fear and Procrastination enter the chat! You have what it takes to go higher, turn those notifications OFF.


I could go on, but I know that you know that there are some things in this life that are simply predestined, and you have been set apart for a reason. I used to get so upset with myself when I let LIFE get in the way of me finishing a thing, but I stopped wasting time feeling bad about the past and embraced the present moves which gave me ample opportunity to pick up where I left off and finish strong !!!! I encourage each of you to take a pause , press the hard RESET button where needed and FINISH THIS MONTH FREE, FEARLESS and STRONG… Spring is here , the BLOOM continues……

Love ya,



#RR44 is alive and well , get out , get to moving and knock that one mile per day out! Twenty-one miles left for some , more or less for others , no matter where you are just finish!!

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