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  • Writer's pictureR. Rene' Woodard

Don't Lose your connection!

Happy Monday Good People!

I hope that your day is going well and that your minds are free and at peace!

One of the craziest things happened to me last week. My Instagram account was hacked/deleted and essentially disabled abruptly. I received 1 warning message that there had been unusual activity that I was unaware of and boom just like gone. On another occasion last week, I was trying to connect with one of my best friends and her phone just kept going out. She would be talking and at the height of the conversation her voice would abruptly disappear, and the phone would either break up bad or go blank to the point of disconnection. In both instances, I never once got upset I just laughed and yelled a bit. I was sharing with others last night and their responses to these things were much different than mine.

One friend was saddened that this happened to me, she said you worked so hard to share good content and build your social connections and presence (Something I never thought about and she felt I was not as devastated as I should have been…)

Another friend followed with, those who are really connected to you are going to reconnect and always be connected to you no matter what.

Another friend texted me and stated, GOD must have something BIG in store for you this is crazy!

The last friend said, “Everything happens for a reason” and in the moment I agreed with them all. See much like any other connection, when you do the do work and you have a sustained momentum, shared interest and investment the connectivity can be lost but it never dies. When my best friends phone disconnected, her work cell became an option, and we were back in business in no time. My personal IG page is gone and may not be recovered, but my business page is now available for use.

How many times have you been disconnected during a call??? Or Disconnected from your CALL? (Some of you will get that later) If this has ever been you or you ever felt like the cord had been cut without notice in any situation, I want to remind you today that, YOU STILL HAVE OPTIONS! The connection to the resources, the people no matter where your paths may have crossed are all still alive and well. Don’t allow the feeling attached to these moments to shift your feelings about the possibilities attached to the call or meeting you were ON or the CALL over your life. See when you are aligned with where you are supposed to be, things will happen. Every day won’t prove perfect, but it will prove worth it. I encourage you all this week to take the good with the bad, know that whatever you are up against is not BIGGER than what lives on the inside of you nor the people you are connected to! Your connectivity is not loss. If you ever noticed before a call drops it tends to break up a bit, you can always tell when something is happening but what I love the most is that if you can still HEAR what’s on the other end, the voice or surrounding noises then you know that there is still a signal! Fighting for clear sound but most importantly not giving up!

I have never considered myself a social influencer nor have I really desired to be. My Chief aim remains to be a person of social IMPACT and a person who pushes people to live free, whole and unapologetically while building the life and legacy of their dreams! Don’t lose your connectivity! It’s bigger than the app or social space, it’s bigger than the returned call you have been afraid to make…. Don’t let any minor loss of connectivity break your flow! It may switch your direction and attention, but it cannot and will not ever break you! Covid tried, we survived, T-Mobile and Sprint joined forces and y’all still making calls (you survived), We built firm relationships, partnerships and businesses without a website many years ago, YOU know how to connect, you know how to TAP into the bigger picture. Do that this week, take the limits off and stay connected!

I love you all with my whole heart! Take Charge this week, Let’s get it!

In light & love,

R. Rene’

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